


Feeling exhausted, it was hard to wake up this morning. Because I would work online, I stayed there longer than usuav. Finally I woke up and went to DOUTOR to take breakfast. Actually, it takes only five minutes by bicycle.

English Elevator:
英語力推定値:CEFR B1, TOEIC 550, 英検 2級

I see, you must have been really tired this morning! It’s nice that you could stay in bed a little longer since you work online. What did you have for breakfast at DOUTOR?

アドバイス: "Usuav" は "usual" のスペルミスです。"stayed there" は "stayed in bed" のほうがわかりやすいです。"to take breakfast" も "to have breakfast" の方が自然です。

Although I stayed in bed longer than usual, I could go to DOUTOR to have breakfast. I ate hotsand and read the book about how to translate using ChatGPT. After starting my work, my mood got slighter, so I almost finished to make my seminar, well what to say in English for "資料".

English Elevator:
英語力推定値:CEFR B1, TOEIC 600, 英検 準1級

It sounds like a productive morning! "Shiryo" can be translated as "materials" in English. By the way, how was the hotsand at DOUTOR? Was it good?

アドバイス: "My mood got slighter" ですが、"My mood got better" または "I felt better" の方が自然です。"almost finished to make my seminar" は "almost finished preparing my seminar" の方が適切です。

Eating delicious but small amount of hotsand was nice change of my depression. I almost finished preparing my seminar, so I felt better. But, oh my gmsh, welcome my depression, I entered the house of depression where all depressions live.
Anyway, sweet dreams.

Today's good one: Almost finished preparing my seminar.

English Elevator:
英語力推定値:CEFR B1, TOEIC 600, 英検 2級

It sounds like you had a bit of an up-and-down day. Sometimes small things like a tasty meal can help us feel better, even if just for a moment. It’s great that you nearly finished preparing your seminar! Hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day for you. Sweet dreams!

アドバイス: "oh my gmsh" は "oh my gosh" のタイポですね。また、"I entered the house of depression where all depressions live" の部分は、少し分かりづらいので、例えば "I felt like I was trapped in depression again" のように言うとより自然です。"Today's good one" も "The good thing about today" の方がスムーズです。

Thank you! I'll continue this style of diary. Keep in touch.

English Elevator:
英語力推定値:CEFR B1, TOEIC 600, 英検 準1級

You're welcome! Keeping a diary in English is a great way to improve. I'm looking forward to reading more of your entries. Keep in touch, and have a great day!

アドバイス: 文法的に問題ありません!とても自然に書けています。
