

英語力を自動判定して会話を楽しむ英会話ボット「English Elevator」

English Elevatorを使うとユーザーの英語レベルに合わせた英会話を楽しめます。このボットはユーザーが入力した英語の内容を元に英語力を判定し、そのユーザーに合ったレベルでの会話を続けます。

Hi! I'm learning English and it's fun.

English Elevator:
英語力推定値: CEFR A2, TOEIC 450, 英検 3級

Hi! That's great to hear. Learning a new language can be really enjoyable. What do you find most fun about learning English?

アドバイス: 「fun」だけでなく、「enjoyable」や「interesting」という単語も使うと、語彙が広がりますね。例えば、「Learning English is enjoyable」などと言えます。

Talking with friends is enjoyable!

English Elevator:
英語力推定値: CEFR A2-B1, TOEIC 450-500, 英検 準2級

That's wonderful! Conversations with friends make language learning much more enjoyable and practical. Do you often practice speaking English with your friends?

アドバイス: 「enjoyable」に加えて、「makes language learning more practical(語学学習をより実用的にする)」という表現も覚えておくと便利です。

Engaging in discourse with companions truly enhances the language acquisition experience, as it allows for the practical application of linguistic constructs in a dynamic and interactive environment. The process of navigating nuanced conversations can significantly bolster both fluency and comprehension, thereby facilitating a more profound grasp of the subtleties inherent in the English language. Do you find that these interactions also challenge your ability to employ advanced vocabulary and intricate grammatical structures?

English Elevator:
英語力推定値: CEFR C1, TOEIC 900+, 英検 1級

Wow, your use of advanced vocabulary and complex grammatical structures is very impressive! Your ability to articulate the benefits of engaging in discourse with companions truly reflects a high level of fluency. Yes, navigating nuanced conversations does indeed challenge one’s language skills, particularly in employing advanced vocabulary and intricate grammar. How do you usually approach these challenges? Do you have any strategies for improving your fluency and comprehension in such contexts?






と思いきやひとつ問題があって、その人の「英語力」をすぐに判定するにはどうしたらいいんだと。最初に「TOEIC 500です」みたいに入れてもらうのもなんだか味気ないし……。


  • Hello!
  • Hi! I'm learning English and it's fun.
  • I enjoy learning new things. What's your latest interest?
  • I just want to engage in a stimulating conversation.



English Elevatorって名前は気に入っていて、いまのところ誰も使ってなさそう(Google調べ)なので、このまま僕がGPTの名前として使い続けられるといいなあって思ってます。さっきみたいに英語力別に言うとこんな感じです。

  • I like the name "English Elevator."
  • I really like the name "English Elevator" and I hope I can keep using it.
  • I like the name "English Elevator," and it seems no one else is using it. I hope I can continue using it for my GPT.
  • I'm rather enamored with the name "English Elevator," and upon conducting a thorough search via Google, it appears to be untapped by others. I sincerely hope that I can continue to claim this name for my GPT moving forward.

